12 June, 2010


I know I've been a little (ok a lot) MIA, but I'm back! The purpose of this post is to let you know that I've moved to:


So, show me some love and click on that link and follow me over there!

My head is over-flowing with new ideas right now (all finance/life related, of course), so you can finally expect a steady flow of posts from me! See you at VITAnomics!

01 June, 2010

Defining Moment

I'll be the first to admit, I'm one of those people that claim to have a epiphany about once every other week. I know it's like the Boy who cried Wolf, but this time, I really had one. I swear.

Contrary to the definition of an epiphany that states it as something sudden, this wasn't that. This was the moment where everything I've let enter my mind, for who knows how long, harmoniously clicked. It was like all those self-help books and inspirational blogs came together and said, "Alright, Lana - this is it, this is the moment where you're going to realize how to get your shit together." All I have to say to them is, thank you.

What did I learn?

Healing isn't a retrospective thing. I've dwelled on the past. Replayed my mistakes over and over again. What did I realize? That I'm probably the only one that hasn't forgiving myself. It's a hard concept to accept, but if you're a genuine, well-meaning individual with the ability to feel empathy - no one cares as much as you think about the things you've done, or do. It all goes back to that whole "we're our biggest critic" thing. Think about it. Your mind isn't consumed with the mistakes other people have made, it's consumed with the mistakes you've made. Let it go. If other people can forgive you, you sure as hell can forgive yourself.

Now, The Dip taught me this one. Know when to give up - that's half the battle. Forget "quitters don't win." The biggest winners out there are probably also the biggest quitters. The fine line comes with knowing what to quit. If you know you don't have the passion to carry you through the hard times when the thing you love goes from fun to hard, quit it. If passion isn't there, you're going nowhere. Pick something you love and focus on that and only that. That's when you become great. So there - break through or break free.

And the last thing I'll mention in this post is our dear friend, Winnie The Pooh. The Tao of Pooh is something that I really think everyone should read. It's one of the only two books that I've read cover to cover in one sitting. Despite just being a "silly little bear", Pooh can teach you quite a lot. His main lesson? Just let things happen. Stop articulating and planning every single little detail. The best things come to you when you just go about life doing the things that you feel are right. Have a destination and head there without strict plan and everything will fall into place.

All these thought (and a few other) have brought me to a very happy state of mind. Everything will be OK. Everything will work out. Let go and move forward.